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The Pitch Deck

The Pitch Deck

The Pitch Deck

pitch deck is usually a 10-25 powerpoint slide presentation designed to give a short and persuasive summary of your company, your business plan and your startup or expansion vision. You will usually use your pitch deck during face-to-face or online meetings with potential investors, lenders, customers, partners, and co-founders.

The advantages of a pitch deck over a full business plan includes the following:

A business plan can be lengthy (over 30 pages) especially if combined with a feasibility study. This takes considerable time and cost to prepare. Whereas a pitch deck is usually a business plan summary in form of slides which takes a much shorter time and lower cost to prepare.

Most small investors would prefer a pitch deck while lenders and large equity investors would prefer a full business plan to be able to review the granular details of the plan. If you are focusing strictly on small investors and need a quick start to operations we advise that you consider ordering our pitch deck service.

Contents of a Pitch Deck